Geo Route Management System (GeoRMS) is a web-based application that implements the Round Trip road Distance verification for the state of Karnataka and it can be used for route mapping, for identifying the all weather motor-able shortest route for POL transportation between the depot and end point/retail outlet, asset mapping for the IOCL/IBP distribution network entities to optimize IOCL resources, for entire Karnataka

Key Features

Map Viewer

GIS Map of Karnataka showing supply locations, end points customers/retail outlets. Map will show major landmarks like bridges, village, and junctions Map viewer will have standard viewer features like zoomin, zoomout, print etc.

Shortest Route Calculations

Point to Point Query [Routing Calculations

Dynamic Labeling

Set visibility Scales of Layer through the application

Import/Export the data

Query Builder

This functionality will allow user to edit the features in the following layers


Support raster Images/scanned photographs

RTD Approval

RTD Approval Module is to approval of RTDs from Field Officers to General Manager. A RTD will be initiate by Secon then it will forward to Field officer and so on up to General Manager for final approval. If any changes in RTD are required it will revert at any stage to previous officer. All officers will get two pages on click of Administration button. All pages are as follows,

  • Inbox
  • Initiate
  • RTD Approval Status
  • GeoRMS also has facility for vehicle tracking for delivery and distribution

Project Executed

Route Management System - GeoRMS - Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)